Session 6

Our Faith Community

The aims of our final session are to listen to, and learn from, the experiences of other churches who have journeyed together to become welcoming or affirming. 

This session is an opportunity for participants to share their learning to their own lived community and define the kind of community they wish to be. 

It is entirely within the parameters of this resource that some church communities will elect to be non-Affirming, it is important that church/faith communities are open and honest about what they intend to be.

Once you have completed this session, we would be especially grateful for your feedback.

Please ask participants to complete our quick feedback form.


  • Projector or screen and audio equipment or speakers

  • Session 6 slide deck. Available from
    If you do not have a projector or screen available, we suggest providing printouts

  • Printed question slips (see page 48)

  • Post-it notes

  • Tokens (wooden discs or small pieces of card)

  • Flipchart

  • Pens

  • Tee lights and matches

  • Refreshments (drinks, biscuits, fruit)

Session 6 Deck and Handouts

Session 6 Media Resources

We know that this journey can be difficult and surface unspoken tensions, but we hope you will agree, it is also an important journey. Below are links to testimonies and reflections from church leaders who have set out on this path.


Kingshill Baptist Church

‘The most effective tool for helping people understand systemic prejudice and privilege was to hear the stories in person of those adversely affected by those systems.‘

Rev Martin Hatfield, Kingshill Baptist Church


Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church

Simon shares his experiences and developing understanding of LGBT+ inclusion

Rev Simon Woodman, Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church


New Road Baptist Church

Rosemary Chadwick shares New Road Baptist Church’s journey towards greater inclusion.


Heaton Baptist Church

Rev. Dave Tubby shares his experience of leading Heaton Baptist Church on an exploration of inclusion.