Baptists Together Webinar

Many are apprehensive about opening up any discussion regarding the place in church for those who are LGBT+. Sometimes this apprehension in churches stems from a fear of stoking division. Sometimes, among ministers, it stems from a misplaced belief that they are in some way prohibited from talking about LGBT+ matters. Creating Sanctuary is a new resource that provides a framework in which we can explore our Biblical and pastoral learning about inclusion, through safer and respectful dialogue with each other. It does not ask participants to change their minds on same sex relationships or same sex marriage. It asks all participants to think about how we could make our faith communities/churches a safer place for LGBT+ people. In this video, three of the resource’s creators, Andrea, Luke, and David, talk with the Baptist Union about the resource and respond to a range of questions drawn from across Baptists Together.


An Interview with Two:23


Oasis Conference