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Dave Moreton

Dave has been a Christian for over forty years, though from a Christian background he states that he is a Christian by conviction not by birth and feels that religion can control while Jesus came to set us free.

When in the RAF in the early 1970's he was arrested for being gay and after six months of being investigated was discharged in January 1975. During this time, he felt being gay was not compatible with his faith, and through prayer tried to change.

Dave has worked in Education, guidance, youth work and counselling for many years. In these posts, he has been responsible for the development of post 16 educational provisions and advising on support needs for students and young people with special educational needs. Alongside this, Dave has offered individual support and guidance to young people and parents/careers, which has included sexuality and gender issues and was also Chair of a local charity that helps children and young people access counselling and help.

Over the last eight years, he has helped in developing Oasis response to inclusiveness and setting up the LGTBI Waterloo Hub. His main passion is the pastoral care of LGBTQI+  people and the church reaching out to those who have been hurt by the church and to the new generation.